Saturday, September 7, 2013

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

If you saw the major full length movie of the same guy and fell asleep give this one a go! I hear this one more closely represents the real Abraham Lincoln anyways. This movie is very entertaining. If follows Abraham Lincoln through his life but it shows us a side that we were never told about. He was trained to fight vampires. Our Civil War? It was just one big vampire battle...of course. It was based off of a book not to many years ago I believe, 2010?

It's a Tim Burton movie so if you are a fan of his you will like this one. It's shot very well, it's dark. It very much fits the Burton mold. The action sequences were spot on from Honest Abe swinging his axe to the many different action sequences that I rather not give away.

I never knew of this movie until I saw the trailer since I didn't know there was a book, since I never read, and I was very excited to see it. I saw this some time ago and just came across it again today while watching the free HBO weekend and stopped to watch the whole thing. Very enjoyable movie! I'd recommend a look see whenever possible. You'll be thoroughly entertained by the action and the dialog is just fine.

Entertainment - 7/10
Visuals - 6/10
Story - 6/10


  1. We saw this one in the theater. Sheri loved it and I thought it was pretty funny and entertaining myself

  2. Woohoooo! A comment :) Thanks! It was a really nice movie. I think they gotta do George Washington next! hah and he can use his wooden teeth to fight them off.
