Saturday, August 24, 2013


I love my horror movies but I'm a bit strange when watching them. I only do so during the Halloween season…...don’t ask! Just seems right. So goes to show you i really wanted to see this movie since I saw this many months before October. I was very thoroughly entertained during this movie. If you watched the internet short on youtube then you pretty much know what the movie was going to be about. 2 kids, one ghost, see what I did there?

The story was pretty great. It’s about two kids that end up in a house in the woods at a young age. Much like bears or is it wolves? that will take care of young children a ghost ends up adopting them and taking care of them by feeding them berries. The kids change in their new dark surrounding and are eventually found by a family member and brought home, only the ghost follows them. From there on the scary stuff happens and yes, it is scary. Think Paranormal Activity type stuff.

Visually it was like any other horror movie so not much to really say about the looks. If you’ve watched a horror movie you can pretty much guess how this one looks. It’s well worth a watch! Maybe a good date movie if you know your girl jumps a lot….you’re welcome fellas!

Entertainment - 7/10
Visuals - 6/10
Story - 7/10

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