Saturday, August 24, 2013


Oblivion got me from the trailers because of it's looks, much like women have all done to me. Only in this case I enjoyed my time! It's about a guy named Jack that is left on Earth to mine the planet of its salt water for use on the new colony out on the moon Titan, or are they? I have always been very good at picking out what the true story is and what direction the movie will shift in but not this one. Not till a key moment in the near middle of the movie. So for that alone it gets a thumbs up.

The story is different. I can't really think of a movie off hand that it closely follows. So it that case in my book it makes it a new original story. Basically its about a guy as mentioned before working on his final days on Earth with a boss in the sky he has never met in person. He makes sure the drones are in working order as they fend off the "Alien" visitors that destroyed the planet. He has vivid dreams of his past living in NY and a women he has never met. He spends his time alone out on the planet grasping at the past and even making a collection of things he felt a connection to. Eventually the story turns he learns what the real plans are and Morgan Freeman is introduced and turns Jack's whole world upside down. There are plenty of twists in the plot and not one of them made me go, well that can't happen!

Visually wow, it's looks awesome! There is a great difference between the home Jack lives in and the mechanical devices and that of the underground Aliens. Think of the new Tron movie as far as how clean Jack's ship and living space were and you'd have a nice picture.

I enjoyed the time I spent to watch this movie, two times now. I would absolutely watch it if I ever came across it on TV. To me I can see this as a TBS, TNT movie they play countless times back to back. Absolutely worth watching if you like Sci-fi or not.

Entertainment - 8/10
Visuals - 8/10
Story - 8/10

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