Saturday, August 24, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness

To me it was no secret that Star trek into darkness was bringing back one of the biggest evil names of the Original movie series. From the tone of the voice alone I had it nailed. Into Darkness was a perfect sequel to one of the best movies I have ever seen, I'm not Trekkie by any means. I watched The Next Generation growing up and even most of the other shows but never more then a passer by. J.J. Abrams is a freaking genius in my opinion. My love affair for this man started with LOST. Practically any thing he touches turns to gold. To bad he wont be doing the new Star Wars movies.

The story of Into Darkness continues on the original timeline only with it/s new screwed universe thanks to the new rebooted Star Trek universe. This time it finds the Enterprise out in deep space pitted against a familiar foe and each other. The story was stellar as per Abrams norms. His now classic lens flairs have made a triumphant return and camera style holds firm to the original reboot.

It looks amazing. Crisp, clean, lens flairy! I enjoyed the looks of the movie just as much as the story. They did an excellent job with bringing the cities up a thousand years while making it look life like. The enterprise looked just as good under water as it did in the original movie series.

I enjoyed this movie 110%! It's absolutely a movie every one should watch at least once if not multiple times. It's filled with old catch phrases that will bring up memories of days ol' and even shows us an original character, Leonard Nimoy one more time! What's not to love about that? Oh and Tribbles! Every one loves a Tribble!

Entertainment - 9/10
Visuals - 10/10
Story - 8/10

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